Dr. House

Dr. House
Dr. House

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Taxing Products Such As Soda, Alcohol, Tobacco May Steer Consumers Toward Healthier Choices, Research Indicates.

reports a new analysis published Wednesday in The Lancet found that “taxing products such as soda, alcohol and tobacco can steer consumers toward healthier choices and avert a ruinous tumble in which obesity fuels disease and medical costs push people further into poverty, data from countries ranging from Chile to India show.” A research group examined five studies and found that taxes on unhealthy products can work without disproportionately harming the poor. On its website, NBC News (4/4, Fox) reports that Larry Summers, a former Treasury Secretary and an emeritus professor at Harvard University, wrote commentary for the study saying, “Taxes are an underused instrument for the prevention of premature death and disease because they can discourage consumption of products like tobacco, alcohol, and sugary beverages that contribute to cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, mental health problems, and injuries. Tobacco and alcohol taxes consistently raise prices, reduce consumption, and save lives, while generating additional revenues to support public services.” https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/taxing-sodas-junk-food-tobacco-works-task-force-argues-n862816

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