Dr. House

Dr. House
Dr. House

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Always Craving Chips And Cookies? Blame It On Your Gut Bacteria!

According to the scientists, each bacterial species has a different nutritional need. Some prefer fat, while others love sugar. So they not only fight each other to satisfy their cravings, but also manipulate us into consuming more of what they want. While the researchers are not completely sure about how this occurs, Aktipis and her team speculate that it could be by changing the expression of our taste receptors such that certain foods taste better than others or by releasing hunger stimulating messages or even, manipulating the vagus nerve that connects to stomach to the brain. Evidence has shown that obese people possess a vastly different gut microbiome compared to healthy people, which may explain why they tend to seek out the wrong foods.

HORRAY I have somebody or something to blame my cravings for breads and sweets on !!!

Gut bacteria are even able to control our moods when it comes to eating. This is supported by how infants cry when they are hungry. The word hangry was added to the dictionary this past year for a reason; people are naturally more hostile when they are craving food, and this is all because our gut microbiome knows how to use our body’s emotions to get the nutrients they want..  THIS IS ME. I act like I am having road rage!!  http://www.dogonews.com/2014/9/17/always-craving-chips-and-cookies-blame-it-on-your-gut-bacteria

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