Dr. House

Dr. House
Dr. House

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

High milk diet 'may not cut risk of bone fractures'

Milk has been recommended as a good source of calcium for many years but studies considering whether it leads to stronger bones and fewer fractures have had conflicting results. In the 20-year follow-up period in which the women were monitored, those who drank more than three glasses, or 680ml, of milk a day were more likely to develop fractures than those who had consumed less. The high-intake group had a higher risk of death too. "And those who had a high milk intake also had a 50% higher risk of hip fracture." Men were monitored for an average of 11 years after the initial survey and the results showed a similar but less pronounced trend. When fermented milk products such as yoghurt were considered, the opposite pattern was observed - people who consumed more had a lower risk of fractures. Prof Michaelsson says the findings could be due to sugars in milk, which have been shown to accelerate ageing in some early animal studies. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-29805374

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